Kyrene Traditional Academy
A highly-structured, disciplined environment
Kyrene’s hallmark of child-centered education is incorporated with the core concepts of “traditional.” A Kyrene traditional education will embrace:
- A highly-structured, disciplined environment where students engage in learning through rigor and inquiry; study of classic literature and language; Kyrene curriculum with Spalding and Saxon taught as prescribed in program manuals.
- During direct, whole-group instruction, students will be seated in rows facing the front of the room.
- Other instructional times will allow for more flexibility in grouping and delivery mode, as appropriate for the lesson.
- Prescribed dress code; and strong expectation of direct parental involvement in their child’s education.
To provide a strong academic foundation for all students to excel, while ensuring a safe, supportive, and caring environment in partnership with families and the community. KTA students utilize fundamental and higher level thinking skills to achieve academic success. Students are respectful, self-disciplined, conscientious, and motivated members of society. The learning packet below provides parents with a basic overview of the structure of traditional schools and the most common instructional resources used by these schools. It is highly encouraged that parents who may wish to enroll their children spend additional time researching and studying the concept.
Overview of the Traditional School